Established by the Kansas Women’s Board of Missions in 1901, the Kansas Bible Chair provides grants for educational programs and lectureships that will benefit both laity and clergy of Disciple congregations in Kansas.
In October 1997, the Executive Committee of the Christian Church in Kansas, acting as Trustees of the Kansas Bible Chair, Inc., passed a resolution to sell Smith Hall to the University of Kansas. The proceeds of the sale of Smith Hall are invested with the Christian Church Foundation, and supervised by the Finance Committee of the Christian Church in Kansas.
Three persons will serve as the Kansas Bible Chair Task Force. The Regional Minister of the Christian Church in Kansas will serve as an ex-officio member. The KBC Task Force will consider requests for funding that come from committees, commissions and other entities of the Christian Church in Kansas.
Please provide the contact information of the person completing this application in case the KBC Task Force has questions. This person will also be notified of grant approval.
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